Uko wahagera

YOUTH SHOW  09 25 2004 - 2004-09-27

*PSA: UNHCR, Burundi Office, sent a truck convoy to Gatumba transit camp, on the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to start transferring Congolese Tutsi refugees to Mwaro, a new camp farther inland, bur the refugees refused to board the vehicles. (source: IRIN)


*In his report, Olivier Isata talked about the many different kinds of diseases refugee children catch due to the bad living conditions and unhealthy eating in the Kiziba camp, Kibuye, Rwanda. *Frm Mutabila refugee camp, Tanzania, Boniface Hakizimana filed a report on refugee children who, instead of going to school, spend their time on the streets begging in order to have something to feed their families.


*Yvette Umugwaneza sent a report on how the bad living conditions of refugee orphans and children separated from their families in the Masisi region, northern Kivu, keep getting worse.

*Yvonne Nizeyimana filed a report from Lukole refugee camp on the complaints of school boys in the camp about not getting the same aid as girls. DRAMA / RWANDA “ NTAKIVURIRA ” Epis. 40 ( #09 of 2004 )

Scene of AIDS orphans pleading with society to accept, to help and to love them. They are asking not to be discriminated against because they still have a whole life ahead.

The Ejo Bite Team

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